Sunday, October 29, 2017

One Moment

Life is a funny thing isn’t it? 

One moment you’re 16 years old, watching Gilmore Girls and dreaming about your one-day writing career, and the next moment you’re 25 sitting on your couch, with your work laptop doing work at home, mentally drained from your Director of Nursing position you obtained by getting a Bachelor’s in Science degree. One moment you’re 14 writing about your insecurities and how unworthy you feel, and the next moment you’re marrying your best friend and one of the most incredible men on the planet at 23, who reminds you every day of how worthy you are and can be. One moment you’re 10 years old following your Pawpaw around everywhere, telling him your dreams, and trying to convince him that, yes, a woman can be President, and if Hilary Clinton doesn’t beat you, it’s going to be you. The next moment you are 19 years old telling your Pawpaw that you’ll do your best to make him proud, and that it is alright for Him to go be with Jesus. One moment you are 13 years old, listening to all the wrong things, and wondering if you’ll ever make a difference, and the next moment you are 24 living in a different state and trying to reach the world with your husband. One moment you’re 15, unsure of what people will say, but you decide to give your life to Jesus, and the next moment you are 18 faced with decisions that test you to see if you will stay true to that promise. One moment you are 17 asking your mom what she thinks is best for your life, and the next moment, you are 25 still doing the same thing. 

I have learned that we all have these moments. Our life is filled with so many decisions each day that make us who we are. We all have difficult times that make us question everything we are, everything we want to be. Life has a way of throwing curve-balls, and daring us to fight--if we want to keep going. Thoughts of anxiety and insecurity can fight us from the inside, demanding us to rise above or sink deeper into those thoughts. Battles of all kinds from health concerns to financial struggle can attack at the most inopportune time. But I tell you this, FIGHT. No matter what is thrown at you, FIGHT! I was just looking back on my past, my life, and I know at the end of the day, I want it to be said that I fought to make each day count. I want to know that I fought past any obstacle, challenge, or internal struggle, and came out of it better. As you’re reading this, remember, you cannot get back any of your past. You cannot undo the decisions you have made. You can, however, choose to fight and choose to make every day of your life matter. You can get better and rise above whatever you are facing. (And yes, I know, it may not seem that way in the middle of the battle. It may not seem that way especially when you are fighting against defeat that seems to be inside of you, but you can get better.) You were called to be something wonderful, someone unlike anyone else. God gave YOU certain gifts, abilities, and talents unique to you, so that you can fulfill a purpose more amazing than you could've imagined. So I hope that, one moment you’re reading this wherever you are, and the next you move forward and make each day matter.