Thursday, December 19, 2013

People and Their Opinions

   When I first heard about all the drama with Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty, I initially wanted to write a Facebook status and be done. However, I did not think I could be succinct enough to just post to Facebook, and I felt that as a Christian, I should at least comment on it. I am more than disappointed by the reaction our country has had to his statements, and by some Christians ideas toward this family in general. I've seen two sides to Duck of people not liking them because they are too Christian, and by some other supposedly devout Christians calling them not Christian enough. Then with the issue about homosexuality, some people believe they spoke out too much, that they should be more tolerant, while others think Phil in particular should have been more outspoken.
   So, why am I writing this? Part of me does not even want to sound off, because there are so many ignorant people (both unbelievers and Christians) that will disagree with me regardless of how much Bible I use, or what way I express my opinion. And I believe that is the heart of the whole issue...people and their opinions. If you don't agree with certain sects, or the world in general, you could be seen on one hand as a crazy religious freak, or on the other hand as totally devoid of a relationship with God. Regardless of any of that, I believe it is important for me, as a Christian, to show my support to someone who is standing up for what the Bible states.
   Anyways, before I give my opinion, i'll start by posting what Phil said. He said, “Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong. Sin becomes fine, Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men. Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.” Phil later also released a statement saying, "“I myself am a product of the 60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
   If you actually read his statement, like I did, you would notice that he did not talk about homosexuality as the only thing being wrong. He talked about adultery, prostitution, drunkenness, and being greedy. He did not just single homosexuality out by itself and talk about how he thought homosexuals were horrible people, or anything of that nature. He simply used it in conjunction with other things that are sinful. In his statement, Phil even said that he would not treat anyone disrespectful if they were different.
   And that is what upsets me about this entire situation. For so long, Christians have been degraded simply for saying that certain actions and lifestyles are wrong. The problem with people doing that, is that most real (notice I said REAL) Christians are not going to be mean to someone who is a homosexual. Do we think it is right? No. Can we agree with their lifestyle? No. Will we support something that the Bible clearly outlines as sin? No. Are we going to be mean and hateful about it, with slurs and threats? No, not real Christians. Real Christians understand that no sinful lifestyle is right. I do not see that many people mad at Christians because we think that adultery is wrong. I do not even see people mad because we think prostitution is wrong. Very few people even get angry at us for thinking that being an alcoholic is a bad idea. Are real Christians mean to these people who sin and act like these sinners are just nothing? No, in fact Christians throughout the years have tried to help people who struggle with sin. Take Alcoholics Anonymous as an example. It was started through the idea that having a "spiritual experience" helped keep you sober. Real Christians understand that sin is in the world, and it is our job to show an example of Christ in a day-to-day manner. I do understand, as well, that people may not think that what they are doing is sinful. As Christians, we state our opinion, but that does not mean we make others accept our beliefs. We always offer the opportunity to accept a relationship with Christ, but we understand that no one forced us to believe, and we cannot force anyone else to believe. We can respectfully agree to disagree with people. That does not mean that we hate people that do not agree with the Bible, it simply means we do not agree with their opinions. People often bring up what Jesus would do, and portray Jesus in a way that depicts Him as only loving, without acknowledging sin. Although Jesus was loving, He did acknowledge that certain actions were not right. It is like the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery. One of the last things He said in that story was, "Go, and sin no more." That meant that Jesus was loving, and did want to help her, but that what she was involved in was wrong. He was nice to her, but He also acknowledged that there was sin in her life. That is how Christians today should be. We should want to help those struggling with sin, but that does not at all mean that we should support it.
   The other point I wanted to address was how hateful I have seen some Christians being to the cast of Duck Dynasty. Do I agree with all of their opinions on Christianity? No, but I understand that they may believe a different way than I do. Instead of being hateful to Duck Dynasty, I would just exalt them for at least trying to live in a Christian manner. So many Christians get so picky with Duck Dynasty that they just ignore all the other crap that is on television. Compared to probably 95% of things on television, Duck Dynasty is very clean and family friendly. (And i'm including the local news and The Weather Channel in that last 5%) I truly believe it is time for Christians to stop attacking what is good and start attacking the truly bad. Maybe that is why our country is the way that it is, we try to tear down those who are trying to do right as well as they know to, and we ignore the really bad that is going on around us.
   My final point of all this is what alarms me more than anything. It bothers me so much that Phil was simply giving his personal opinion, and is now being harassed for standing for what he believes. People who agree with homosexuality have freedom to say they agree with it, why can Christians not say they disagree, as well? I think it is a very alarming that our country has gotten to the point where someone can be banned from a television show simply for stating how they feel. It really makes me wonder what is next. People have rights to express their opinions regardless of who does or does not agree. I may think something you believe in is crazy, but i'm sure you could say the same about me. That's why I love blogging so much, I can express my opinion in a public manner. Where is this country headed though? Will this blog be deleted simply because I'm a Christian and have morals that I choose to live by? Will America reach that point? I cannot help but remember the Bible verse, 2 Timothy 3: 12, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Stand for something, be the best you, become what God has in store for you, and I guarantee you--people are not going to like it.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Plan Worth Waiting For

   I know my blog is usually all about life lessons that I have learned, but usually I do not delve too much into my personal life. Well, I believe today is a special day, and I would like to make an exception to my self-imposed rule. One year ago today, I got the amazing opportunity to start dating my best friend. I know that phrase is a cliche that people use a lot, but it really was the case with us. We had been friends for a long time, and over the course of a year and a half or so we became closer. Initially, I never contemplated us dating. I just loved talking to him, and he understood me in a way that few people ever have. He even challenged me in a way that I had never been challenged before. He even loved traveling like I did, and we went a lot of random places together. Even New Orleans for the NCAA championship game. 
   During that time, we were both, I believe, in a place in our lives where we were really trying to figure out who we were.  I didn't date anyone during that time, and I'm so grateful that I had a time in my life, just to figure out who I was, and where I was supposed to be headed. I'm not sure when our feelings grew from friendship to something else, but I knew I did not want to mess anything up by rushing into a relationship. We both did our best to pray about the matter and try to do what was right. And there was a big space of time when we just enjoyed our friendship, and we just took our time further getting to know each other. It was a long time before we actually decided to date each other. We simply waited, wanting peace about the matter.
   There is something really special about waiting for something. Waiting for a good relationship taught and spared me from a lot. If I would have grown impatient, if I would have rushed into some other relationship, I would have missed getting to be dating my best friend. I could have missed being able to know what it is like to be in relationship with someone who pushes you to be the best you possible, someone who is respectful of you, and someone who wants to grow and achieve amazing things with you. I'm so thankful I have gotten the opportunity to be with someone who appreciates me (and even deals with my nursing school emotional nightmare). I'm so glad I did not miss out on this blessing. I'm glad I had time also, to get to know Caleb outside of a dating relationship. I didn't have to worry about him putting on his "best" on in front of me, because we were just friends for so long. I got to really know who he was. 
   I like looking back on all of this, because I am so grateful for the journey we have already had together, but also because I so look forward to seeing where our future is headed. So, looking back, I wanted to share a poem I wrote a while before we started dating. It was on one of those days when waiting did not seem easy. I remember feeling alone. A lot of my friends were dating, and for a moment I felt like waiting for the right person was not worth it. This was sort of my conversation with the Lord. It really started as a pity party, and somewhere towards the middle, the Lord reminded me that He knew what was best. And looking back now--i'm so glad that He did. He did exceedingly, abundantly, above what I could have ever imagined. I'm so glad for His restraining and guiding hand that led me here. So here it is:

"Perfect Plan"

Lord, I have prayed earnestly,
That You'll send him my way,
A Godly man who loves me,
Who from You will not stray.

I have tried to do what's right,
And wait for what You want,
Yet, He's still not in sight,
And doubts and worry haunt.

I wonder if I'm enough,
What do I have to share?
Maybe it is just too tough,
Someone for me to care.

And, please, do not take me wrong,
I don't want just a man,
I have waited oh so long,
Lord for Your perfect plan.

It's not that I don't trust You,
It is just hard to see,
Others, what's right, do not do,
They're happy as can be,

Help me the right way to take,
Even though it's so hard,
Let me do it for Your sake,
My heart I have to guard,

I know, Lord, Your help I need,
To put this in Your hand,
I want to follow Your lead,
Please, Lord, just help me to stand,

Remind me that it's worth the wait,
That You won't steer me wrong,
That Lord, You are never late,
Even if it seems long,

Big pictures are hard to see,
Not knowing what to do,
But what Your best is for me,
Makes this worth going through,

And one day, when You see fit,
And send me Your choice man,
All of the praise You will get,
For Your so perfect plan.