Saturday, November 8, 2014

An Inconvenient Christianity

"Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" Acts 15:26. 
   Earlier today, I looked up this verse in my Bible after a conversation I had. I knew there was some verse in the Bible about risking your life for Christ, but I was not quite sure where it was. You see, I begin this post with a burdened heart, maybe more than I ever have been when writing a blog up until this point. I've written about a lot of topics, and I've mostly gotten good feedback. I've written about using your life for good, developing goals, even how to become successful. Unfortunately, however, I have failed to bring out an important thought. What does any of that matter without being willing to give your life to Christ? 
   You see, it is a scary thing to offer your life to Christ. It is inconvenient in the age we live in. Too many rules, expectations, etc. With the verse I quoted, you'll notice that (and it's referring to Barnabas and Paul and their missionary journeys here) it says they "hazarded" their lives. They risked their very lives all for the work of God. How many of us can say we'd be willing to do whatever it took to accomplish the work of God? Some of us aren't even willing to pray for the missionaries that our churches support, and we would never dream of even taking a week out of our lives to help one. 
   I say none of this to point fingers at anyone else. If anything, this is my way of reminding myself of the way my heart should be turned to Chrsit. With thinking about this whole topic, though, five distinct thoughts came to me about the inconvenience that being a true Christian involves. I'm sharing these with a burdened heart for things I need to remember in my own life, and I hope maybe it will help you, too. 
   Number one: Don't make this life about you. It's all about Him. 
In this life, it is beyond easy to make things about yourself. Humans are creatures of comfort, and if something is less than comfortable we don't like it. That's the reason air conditioning and electricity were invented. They aren't bad inventions, either, but the principle behind them is very apt to get us into trouble. True Christianity is recognizing what God wants for our lives, and doing what we can to follow His guidance. For people like me, who like to be in control, this is a tough concept. But this life was never meant to be all about your wants and desires. Your life was meant to bring glory to your Creator. Your success, your accomplishments, your outreach, all brings Him glory and honor. If you change the world, it still is not about you. It's about the one that gave you that opportunity. 
   Number two: Worry about your own problems before calling out other people.
This is one I have particularly struggled with. It's really easy to get a mentality that your issues aren't as bad as others. It stings a lot more calling yourself out on things than it does calling someone else out on things. I know the world around you may not be perfect, but I guarantee you aren't either. It is important though, to really be a Christian, to realize you are imperfect, too. It's really inconvenient and difficult doing this, but if you ever want to really live for God, this point must be grasped. 
   Number three: If someone is attacking you, realize they are attacking Jesus, not you. And He can defend Himself.
This concept has been one that I have struggled with lately. There have been a few things that happened, that I actually felt attacked for in the cause of Christ. At first, I got really angry. I wanted to react out of anger, rather than respond from a place of love and respect. It is really inconvenient letting someone attack you, and giving the situation over to God. But if you are doing something for the cause of Christ, and someone tries to stop it, they're attacking Christ and His work. Again, it's not about you. Your feelings may be hurt, but if you react back and attack, you may do more damage than good in what you're trying to accomplish. And I know that isn't easy, because my first response if you're going to debate or argue with me, is to feed into it and argue back. It's inconvenient stepping back and letting God take the reins. 
   Number four: God will provide, no matter the obstacle. 
As someone who really likes to have everything planned out and ready, this is a difficult one to grasp. Lately, however, God has really shown me what this means. God has provided so many things for me. Maybe not in my time, or how I've seen it, but He always provides exactly what I need. It's not convenient to let God have control of a situation. It's not convenient to trust Him for needs you have. But if you do, I guarantee He'll give you more and better than you ever thought possible. I know that's a hard thing to do in the face of obstacles. An obstacle is an obstacle because it blocks your path, and sometimes even sight, of the thing you're trying to get to. That's why it's better to take those obstacles to someone who can see where you're wanting to be. He can see the parts of your path that are unclear. He's more than willing to help you get there, if you just allow him to. 
   Number five: "With obedience to Christ, comes adversity" 
This last point comes from a phrase my amazing pastor, Bro. Noah Broughton stated one time that I wrote in my Bible. I wrote it down because I thought it was a good quote, but I never understood at the time how true it was. If you're going to do anything in this life for God, you will face adversity. I've noticed it even becoming true in our country. It seems like the more you take a stand for God, the more challenges you find. It's even become apparent to me in our church circles. Often, if you do something for Christ out of the norm, even other "Christians" don't like it. Adversity comes from stepping out on faith. You'll find challenges where you never expected them. But it all comes from the fact that if you're going to be obedient to Christ, you're going to find struggles and resistance. Do you really think that Satan wants the cause of Christ to be advanced in this world? 
   I write all of this just to share with you a burden that I have felt on my heart. I really hope, to whoever is reading, that it helps. I know, from personal experience, that none of these are easy concepts and I have mastered none of them. Each day is a growing process, but I think it's important to keep all these things before us. The last question I have is, what would you be willing to hazard for Christ? Would you risk your life? Your comfort? Your convenience? Would you risk your personal time, and give it to things of God? These are hard questions to answer, but I know, that the more you give to God, the more He will give you in return.