Wednesday, January 22, 2014

All the Work of God

   Today, as I was reading, I came upon this verse, Ecclesiastes 8:17, "Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labor to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea farther; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it." I had to read the verse a couple of times to really understand what it meant. It says I beheld all the work of God. What a thought...that this verse is talking about all the work God has done, no one can figure it all out.
   This statement really caused me to search my heart, and made me very grateful. You see, if no one, even wise men can figure out all that God does, and if no one can know all that God knows, how amazing is it that this same God, whose ways are past finding out, loves and cares for each of us? On a personal level, that means that the Creator of the earth, the One Who set the world in motion, the One Who has power and knowledge above all else, cares for me, wants to lead me, and wants to have a personal relationship with me. How wonderful is that to think about?
   This thought is wonderful, and yet, at the same time should be very convicting to all of us. How often do I try to do things in my own strength? How often do I neglect to communicate with Him the way I should? How often do I worry about simple things instead of putting things into His hand? Why do I fail to utilize the Great Friend and Counselor that I have access to? Going back to the verse I wrote at the beginning, think about all that God does. There is no way that anyone can figure it all out, and, yet, God is still working.
   I think about all God has done up to this point in my life. It is amazing how so many pieces He perfectly put together, that I could have never done. Even when I tried to do things on my own, He kept me from making mistakes by His restraining hand. Yes, there were times when I messed up, and tried to put my goals before Him, but He was always there, ready to help me pick up the pieces. My mind goes back to a time in my life when I felt terrible spiritually. I kept trying to do things in my own power. I was angry at circumstances beyond my control, and I let that hinder me. I remember praying, and asking the Lord to show me what I needed to do. I remember asking Him to help me get out of the place where I was, because I knew I was not headed the right way. From that moment, when I asked Him to do His work, He changed so much in my life. Second to when I got saved, that was the most pivotal moment in my life. I told no one at the time of this prayer, but instead allowed the Lord to work in my life on a personal level. The Lord did so much, brought me to where I needed to be, and showed me a lot about my faith. It was that point in my life where I decided my stance on a lot of things, and it added to the groundwork of my constant work to become who I need to be. I've not done everything perfect since then, and I still make mistakes, but I know that is part of a growing process.
   I say all of that to say this, If God can do all of that in my life, and so much more above what I have written, and above all that I even know about, how much more will He do? How about your life? I'm sure you have struggles and things you are working through. I'm also sure, however, that there have been things that God has brought you through. Not every circumstance will you understand the reasoning to, but God has brought you to things for purposes beyond your realm of knowledge. When that pivotal moment happened in my life, do you think that I knew where God was going to bring me to? Do you think I understood the reason why I was faced with certain things? There was no way, and if I would have kept trying to work through those issues myself, there is no way I would be where I am. I do say all of that knowing I have much more to learn and to grow in, and there may be times when I do not understand why things are happening, or what I should do, but if I do not allow the Lord to have His way, I may not reach that place where I should be. How about your life? Is there something you are trying to handle in your own strength? Take it to the Lord, and allow Him to work through you. No one can understand all that God is doing and wants to do, why not trust Him?
   As I close, I want to share something I believe the Lord gave me the other day. I was humming, not really to any specific tune, and these words just came to me along the tune I was singing to. It is pretty short, but I think it is fitting for the subject at hand, and I hope that it helps you!

Why should I worry now?
You've been there before.
Why should I worry now?
You know what's in store.
I'll follow your plan for me,
And you'll bring me through,
To right where I should be,
And I will trust in You.

Thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year's!

   The ball has dropped, the countdown is over, and 2014 has officially started! This is the time of year probably filled with the most good intentions. Everyone is excited about the opportunity for a fresh start. Resolutions are being made, again by people with good intentions, and most people take a day or two to make changes in their lives. It still doesn't quite feel like the holidays are over, and you may even get an extra day off work. You sleep in, wake up, and talk to your family about what you want to accomplish. You talk about the person you are going to be when 2015 rolls around. Thinner, happier, wealthier, you'll be a new person by this time next year.
   But something usually happens around January 4th or 5th. You start to get back in the swing of things at work. Kids start returning to school. The new opportunities you thought existed on the 1st, somehow turn back into a reality of work, and kids, and bills, and the life you have always had. You may simply feel you do not have the time to keep up these resolutions that you have set in your mind.
   I know, what I just wrote may seem bleak, and like I'm trying to discourage you from making resolutions. I'm sure you may even think i'm trying to ruin your lovely New Year's Day, you may even be wondering why you wasted your precious time reading this when I've not really been that positive at all. Honestly, though, that is my purpose in writing this. I'm writing this not just to the general public, but to myself, too, because I need to keep this before me. A resolution is defined as, "A firm decision to do something". As Americans, we have a tendency to twist the definition into something we simply want or wish to do, but a resolution is a firm decision. A firm decision means that you will not go back on your word. When I think of firm decision, I think of the story of Daniel in the Bible, where it states that he "purposed in his heart". Daniel did not just want to do the right thing, he made a firm decision to do what he saw as the right thing in his life.
   So, how do we go from passive, from wanting things to change, to making things change? By a firm decision. If we are going to get where we want to be, it will not be easy. That's why the first part of this seemed so bleak. I believe it will be better in the long run if you sacrifice now. It's like a quote I heard that I love that says, "Today I will do what I want most, or what I want now." Ultimately, that decision is what determines where we are in life.
   I'll give a personal example, to further explain my point. Almost three years ago, my Pawpaw, one of the most important people in the world to me, passed away. I was at Berea College at the time. I hated going to school there, and I was absolutely heart broken by my Pawpaw's death. I had missed about 2 weeks of class because I stayed with him at the hospital, and was there throughout the funeral. When everything was over, the last words of the funeral were said, all I wanted to do was cry. I did not want to be thrown back into my studies. I was taking Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Psychology, and an English class. My courses were by no means easy. What I wanted during that "now" time was to cry and run back home, and take some time. I really did not even want to be at Berea anyways. With the Lord's help, however, I resolved to give it all I had. I had multiple tests to make up and papers to write. I knew that if I kept going, I would be one step closer to where I was supposed to be. So, I made up all the work I was behind on, and my English professor even told me my paper was one of the best he had read. I finished the semester, with good grades, and it really helped lay the foundation for the education I am continuing now.
   I say all of that, not to in any way exalt myself, but to show a very important truth. It is not easy doing the things that will get you to where you want to be. It takes a lot more effort to get to where you want to be than to stay where you are. Think to yourself of that person that you want to be by the time 2015 is here. What kind of effort will you have to put in to get to where you want to be? Do you want to be thinner? That takes daily action on your part in monitoring what you eat and exercising. Are you willing to do the more difficult thing and skip out on a few meals at your favorite fast food place? It won't be easy at first, but if that's what you want, that's what it takes. What if you want to be wealthier? Work to save money, to be a wise steward of the money you do have. What if you want to be happier? Pursue a career you know you'll love, cherish your family and those around you, surround yourself with happy people. Whatever it is that you want your 2015 self to be, write it down, and figure out what it takes to get there. The decision won't be firm unless you know what you are going to do, and do it no matter what.
   Again, i'm writing this for my own benefit, and anyone who chooses to read. You can be a new person by this time next year. It just comes down to a daily decision. Are you going to sacrifice the permanent on the altar of the temporal? Or are you going to choose to work toward what you want MOST rather than what you want now? The decision is up to you, and it is one you will have to make every day.