Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Amazingly Sunny Days

"Then the time came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom" Anais Nin. As I started reading "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge for the second time, I came across this quote. I didn't notice it the first time I read this for some reason. I think the first time I read this book it so caught me off guard with the truth in it, that it was almost too much to handle. It's a great book, but if you aren't ready to be a much stronger woman, I wouldn't advise reading it. It is one of the books in my life that I can actually say changed me. That doesn't happen like this very often and I've read a LOT. Anyways, when I saw this phrase I completely stopped reading. It was a God moment. It's like God was telling me, "I know exactly what you need right now". 
   You see, I feel like my life is about to be significantly different. I'm less than 50 days from graduating nursing school and opening an entirely new chapter of my life   I have a lot of decisions to be making and a lot of things will be changing. Honestly, I've been kind of fearful. It's an unknown world, and it may seem silly, but I've been really scared about what's to come. Isn't it funny, the thing I've been working toward is scary? Actually thinking about it though, I'm gonna have a lot more responsibility than I do now. I won't just be a student, but I will be stepping into much greater roles than I've ever been in. Ill be reaching some of my goals, attaining things I've worked really hard for. 
   So when I saw that quote, it hit me. I'm gonna be "blossoming" into something totally different. But as scary as that is, how much more painful and scary would it be to remain in stagnancy? How terrible would it be to come this far and let fear defeat me? I'm not sure of the exact reference, but doesn't the Bible say that "God hath not given us the Spirit of fear? But of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."  God has given us a Spirit of power! It is a powerful thing to be following Gods plan for our lives! It's a powerful thing to be reaching milestones, doing new things, even making changes. For so long, I did not like change. But change isn't always a bad thing, if it's change that grows us. Change can actually take a seed and make it a beautiful flower. Change can take the frigid air of winter and make it the warmth and growth of spring. (Which I know we all want!) Since we've had such a cold winter, ill relate it this way. What would it be like if we just stayed in this state we've been in? What would it be like if the winter we've had just continued? Some people may grow accustomed to it, some may even be comfortable. I mean we've got central heating, right?! 
But we'd never get the flowers that accompany spring time. Nothing would grow like it should or could because of the conditions.  And think of the amazingly sunny days we'd miss! 
   You see, sometimes change has to happen for growth. It may not be easy, and some changes are a lot more difficult than others. It all depends on what you want though, some things may take you out of your comfort zone, or into an unknown world. But one of the best parts of stepping out into the unknown is having new opportunities. New opportunities bring some amazing experiences. You have the choice, you can ditch fear, claim power, and become a better, growing version of yourself, or you can remain in stagnancy. But I can guarantee you only one of those options will ultimately make you happier. 
Anyways, happy first day of spring!